Digital Marketing Services

Future Bright

Forkitecture is a publication of The Wilder Strategy lab.  We are a digital strategy agency focusing on the customer journey.

Reputation Management

Reviews can make or break a restaurant.  We provide a reviews management tool that allows you to request reviews, and contain those negative reviews so that you can turn an unhappy customer into a fan.

Brand Design

Whether you need a modern minimalist brand, or a farm-to-table home grown brand, we have partner designers that specialize in restaurant brand design.  We also have a range of pricing options so that you can have a brand that fits the budget that you have now.

Website Design

A website is a brochure, a menu, an experience, and a way to communicate with your customers.  We specialize in creating beautiful websites that convert.  Our pricing structure is also flexible so that you can have a presence quickly, and that fits your budget.  There is always room to grow!

Social Media Management

Restaurants need to be publishing a continuous flow of imagery to social media. This keeps them front-and-center in customer’s minds. Doing this strategically will provide the greatest impact. We provide assistance, or full-service social media marketing.