Food Portrait Photographer Rose Hodges Photography
San Francisco
United States
2140 Bush St 94115
I grew up without ketchup. The size of a loaf of bread was as big as my Epson printer. Growing up in Germany left me with rich memories of flavors. German bread and butter was a meal in itself. There was no gluten free, but gluten freedom.
On Sundays my Tante Emmi would make her fabulous cheesecake-usually just for me. Each bite was so silky smooth and not overly sweet. To this day I have never found a match except I discovered her secret was in the quark cheese. She is no longer with us for me to master this recipe. Those memories were full of flavorful foods. I realized I must be a foodie since I can’t remember the details of my childhood but I do recall what I ate! I love fresh home style food.