Bar | Angelinos, Sausalito CA

We had recently moved back to Marin County and my kids were still very small.  Just by a miracle, all three had fallen asleep in their car seats.  Not wanting to wake them up, I drove to Sausalito with the intention of finding a beautiful place to park and look out at the water.  I had a funny feeling that this would be the last time they would all fall asleep like this because they were getting big, and I wanted it to be a special memory.

As I passed Angelino’s a parking spot opened up right in front.  I pulled over and parked.  There also was a table open.  I sat down at the table with my car door open, and a gracious server brought me a cappuccino.  I sat and sipped my coffee while looking out at the San Francisco Bay.  The City of San Francisco, a city I  once powered my mountain bike through daily, glowed in the distance.  My kids slept for nearly an hour as I took in the moment.  I was right, that was the very last time they were all little enough to fall asleep together in the car.  I treasure that memory.

There once was a gorgeous mural of Cinque Terre on the back wall that I helped paint years ago. It is long gone, and its passing reminds me of the generations of travelers and locals who have loved these places that have been here for decades as time marches on. I am so grateful that so many of these treasures survived the pandemic.

Full Bar.


Author: Editor