Bar | Spinnaker, Sausalito CA

Spinnaker, Sausalito CA
Spinnaker, Sausalito CA

There are special places in Marin that remind us of why we spend so much money to visit, or for some of us, spend even more to live here.  Spinnaker Restaurant is one of those places.  The building is perched precariously on pylons drilled into the bay, and is exposed to the tides as they rise and fall twice daily.  It is bombarded by the sometimes ferocious winds that cut down through Hurricane Gulch ahead of the fog.  The bar and restaurant defy the wiles of nature and offer a warm, comfortable refuge for anyone to sit and take in the incredible views as nature surges around them.

The bar has been redesigned to curve to the shape of the bay.  Although your back is turned to the water when you sit at the bar, mirrors have been placed at just the right angle so that your view from your bar stool is water and the San Francisco skyline.  The lounge is a collection of cozy tables and chairs that look directly out to what is arguably one of the most beautiful views in the world.

Spinnaker, Sausalito CA

Tony the bartender will guide your tour through the extensive list of cocktails and wines.  The staff is top notch, skillfully navigating the tables of visitors who are from around the world, locals who have brought family, and couples creating memories.  I brought a group of girlfriends to sit and visit at the bar.  Minutes turned to hours as we talked and looked in awe at the amazing place we live in.  The colors in the water as the sun sets behind the marin Headlands can not be captured by a photograph or camera.  The view of the seagulls and other water birds flying overhead and the seals occasionally popping their head up in curiosity helped us remember that we share this beautiful space with many other creatures.

Thank you Jeff Scharosch, managing partner, for stopping by and sharing with us your love for the restaurant and the beauty that surrounds us.


Author: Editor