Bar | The Presidio Yacht Club

The first time I went to the Travis Marina Bar at the Presidio Yacht Club it was for a singles MeetUp.  I had no idea the place existed and thought the address was wrong.  The building literally looks like an old abandoned boat shed from a distance.  As you may have learned if you read my other posts, I don’t like to describe all of the details of a place, because I want there to be surprises.  I will say one thing:  bridge view.  Don’t worry about parking…there is plenty of it.   And bring your camera.  There isn’t a better view from a parking spot anywhere in the San Francisco Bay.

This is one of those places where you can get away with wearing old beat-up jeans or a gorgeous dress. You can be gay or straight, grumpy or unreasonably cheerful. The one thing you can’t be is snooty. Everything is beat up inside of the bar from decades of being loved (although they do seem to currently have new chairs). If beat-up and loved isn’t your kind of place, best avoid it, and head on up to Farley Bar, a stone’s throw away and with table cloths and real napkins.

There isn’t music every night.  In fact, it isn’t even open every day.  Best check the schedule before making the trek. It is one of the few places in Sausalito with live music. There are swing, jazz, and rock bands that play with names like “Lone Star Retrobates”, “Vinyl Ice” and “Doc Kraft”.

Food:  Burgers & Fries
Bar: Full Bar

Author: Editor